Wednesday, May 4, 2011

When it Rains, It Pours!!

Hi All,
I know it's been a couple months since our last post but things have gotten really busy for the both of us. We have settled in nicely to our new Florida lifestyle. Thankfully, the weather has been beautiful to help us adjust. Unlike New England the weather here is pretty much predictable (hot!!) except when it rains. Then you can expect a five to ten minute monsoon-like down pour until the sun comes back out. Luckily, this has only occured while we have been inside and as soon as we are ready to go out it stops like magic!

I have started my job as a substitute and I have to say it's hard not being in charge. The people are really friendly and very laid back (sometimes a bit too laid back for my liking). Al is doing great in school! He really loves what he is doing and can't wait to star his new career. On the weekends we try and explore the city together and we have found some great things to do in Orlando. Our favorite so far is to go to the discount movie theater. They play all the  movies just out of the regular theaters and we only pay $1.00 a ticket. Even the snacks are at a discount price! The library offers a large selection of DVDs and you can pretty much find any movie you are looking for.

After a lovely visit to Kenny's house in Miami we have definitely decided that we need to live near the beach. Last weekend, Al and I went down to the Ft. Lauderdale area to look around at the towns and see which one might look like a good place to live. I already have a job lined up in Plantation so our next step is finding Al a job. We figure we will rent for 6-12 months until we get really acquainted with the area and then if all goes well buy a home. We will be leaving Orlando at the end of June and hopefully by mid-June we will have all our "ducks in a row".

We have definitely missed our families and friends these past couple months but being able to keep in touch via Facebook, Skype and email has helped us adjust. We love talking and keeping in touch with everyone so please feel free to Facebook, email or Skype us.  

Until next time,
Becky & Al

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Real Hotelwives of Orlando...

We made it to Orlando on Saturaday (March 5th) in one piece & the temprature was a cool 80 degrees!
Checking in to the hotel was a pinch and thank god for the bellboy carts because it made our unlaoding that much easier. Once we had the stuff in the room we went to town and unpacked. Al was done within minutes but it took me a bit longer since I have OCD and a small space requires that everything goes in just the right spot. Trying to the organize the room and where everything went really brought me back to my days at Salem State. On the upside, we do have a maid who comes once a week and cleans the bathroom, vacuums and changes your linens(score!!!). After we unpacked we wanted to go to this nice little restaurant that I found online but once we got there it was closed. We were starving so we started to drive around to see what else there was but finally after many wrong turns we ended up at Wal-Mart.we boight some fruit and bread to make PB&J's at the hotel.
The next day we decicied that it would be easier to explore the city in the day light. We ended up on International Drive and went to the Hard Rock for some lunch. We were excited to find the outlets and see all the fun stuff. But what really "tickled my pickle" was the sight of a Dollar Tree (my fave!!).

Al's first day of school was on Monday and while I am sad to not have him by my side exploring the city I knew I had to get stuff done. Monday consisted of finding the closest CVS, running on the treadmill (yes, you read that correctly), and just vegging in front of the T.V. waiting for Al. Once Al got home we both took a nap and then went shopping for his school supplies. Tuesday, was not very exciting. I got a oil change that took forever! So long that I watched 3 episodes of Millionaire in the waiting area. After that I  decided to come home and take advantage of the sunshine and headed over to the pool. Ahh, that is the life! Anyways, I discovered that we have a grill and are now going to grill almost every night. Wednesday, I realized that after getting lost and taking many wrong turns the days prior that I knew my way around the city and found I didn't even need my GPS. I made it to the post office, became a member of the OC (Orange County, for those of you that don't know) library, opened up a bank account, and made an appointment to get my FL state I.D. so that I can start working.
It's only been the begining of the first week and Al has really dove right into his schoolwork. He has met the other students who live in the hotel and they have formed a study group. He really seems to be super excited and dedicated to this field and I couldn't be prouder.

The rain really put a damper on my plan to go to the pool again today but, hey, there is always tomorrow! Kenny said he may be coming up this weekend to visit so I am sure we will have a funfilled time with him.

Until Next Time!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Are we there yet?

Our second part of the trip started with a stop in D.C.. I was very excited to see the nation's capitol and explore it but then it set in that there was a lot of walking involved. According to our GPS we could drive up on to Pennsylvania Ave. but it left out the fact that we might be arrested it we tried. So we parked our car in front of as many police officers as we could see and this way we knew that the car ws safe. We got to see the white house but I was not very impressed by its appearance. It didn't scream "look at me I house our nation's leader" it screamed more "I am full many leather bound books and rich mahogany". We then walked around and found the occasional protester and politician but really D.C. is like a warmer Boston.
We walked around for a while and then had to hit the road for our 10hr. drive to GA. At first it wasn't so bad of a drive because the sun was out and we were still rested form staying at Pops' but then somewhere Mid North Carolina we started getting a bit of cabin fever. So, in order to remedy this we took a small detour to Durham NC to see Al's favorite college Duke University. We stopped at a pizzeria for dinner and when the guy at the register apologized for not having my french fries ready it hit me that we weren't in "Kansas" anymore. Al was so excited to be near Duke when there was a game going but unfortunately we couldn't stay and watch. after our potty break we hit the road and continued our very loooong trip.
We made it to my sister's at about 12:30-1:00am and I went right to sleep. Thursday was a beautiful day so we took Cali & Chaelem to the park and had a nice little picnic and got some much needed rest.
Were are going to be leaving GA Saturday morning and heading to sunny Orlando!

Until next Time!
Becky & Al

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Proof of Life

As you can see we both are still alive! Luckily, both of us are still on speaking terms and neither of us want to jump off a bridge (yet).
Our trip began this morning at 5:30am. We made it through CT, NY and now we are in Jersey (can I get a fist pump please!). Somewhere between CT and NY we smartened up and got xm radio to keep us from hearing static and searching for a radio station to keep us entertained.
Thankfully we hit little to no traffic so we are looking at a 1:00pm arrival time in the D.C. Area. The only minor pain is that Al just got a tattoo before we left and now the car smells like a baby's butt because of the A&D ointment.
Well, we are stopping at a rest stop so we can stretch our legs and get gas.

Until next time
Becky & Al

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Getting ready for our roadtrip.

Hi all,

So we are just 6 days  away from our big road trip down Florida. We have decided since everyone we know and love are up north that the best way to keep everyone in loop about our lives is to start a blog. So here goes:

We were so glad to see many of our family and friends last Sunday. We were hoping to be able to say goodbye to more people at once but we understand that Sunday's are tough. If we weren't able to see you Sunday or any time after that please know that we will miss everyone.

We will be leaving for Florida on Tuesday, March 1st. Our first stop will be Anapolis MD. to visit Pops( Ron's dad). Then we will be going further south to vist Erica (Becky's sister) in GA.

Until next time,
Becky & Al